Bylaw 12/05: Nuisance Abatement Bylaw
“Section 5: No person shall cause or permit a nuisance to occur on any property owned by that person.”
What Land Are You Responsible For?
- Front/Side Yard
- Backyard
- Alley adjoining property
- Adjoining Boulevard
What Do You Need to Do?
- Keep land maintained by cutting grass and removing weeds
- Prune trees and bushes that are overgrown
- Repair fences that are hazardous or falling down
- Keep adjoining alleyway and sidewalk clear of debris, grass, weeds, garbage, etc.
- Remove all garbage, lawn clippings, animal feces, and anything else that may be considered waste from the property within a timely manner
- To provide a safe and clean environment within the community
- To prevent rodent infestation within the neighbourhood
- To allow enjoyment for all members of the community
Safety Considerations
- Sightline: No obstructions higher than 3 ft closer than 25 ft from any roadway
- Bulk storage of materials may cuase rodent infestation – store materials off the ground
- Obstructing sidewalks possess a risk to pedestrians
- Dead or hazardous trees may cause obstruction to traffic or pedestrians, and possess a threat during heavy winds.
Report A Concern
If you know of a property that is in need of immediate attention, public or private, or you have any questions or concerns, please contact the Town of Leader Administration Office at (306) 628-3868. You may also submit a concern through the website contact form.