As per the Town of Leader’s Zoning Bylaw, residents are required to obtain a building, development or demolition permit for projects as defined by the Provincial and Federal legislation.
What is the difference between a development permit & building permit?
Development permits relate to community planning; specifically, what can and cannot be done on or to a property. Regulations for development are found in our Zoning Bylaw and Official Community Plan Bylaw (OCP). The Zoning Bylaw and OCP are regulated by The Planning and Development Act.
Building Permits relate to the construction of structures and the regulations are found in our Building Bylaw. The Building Bylaw is regulated by The Construction Codes Act, Building Code Regulations, The National Building Code of Canada, and The National Energy Cod of Canada for Buildings. For further information regarding permitted, discretionary and prohibited uses please refer to the Town of Leader’s Zoning Bylaw.
How do I obtain a development permit application?
It is a simple application process, provided no bylaw amendments are required. Development Permits can be obtained at the Town Office or by following the link below. The cost for a permit is $50 and must be submitted with your application. Development Permits are valid for 12 months from the date of submission. All development permits should Include; 1) Completed Application and 2) Site plan, showing existing and proposed information with labels and measurements.
When do I need a permit?
Residents are required by bylaw to obtain a permit for development, building, moving, or demolition for projects as defined by Provincial and Federal Legislation.
Development Permits are required for any activity involving building, engineering, mining or operations in, on, or over land; as well as, any substantial change in use or intensity of use of land or buildings. This includes excavating, filling, grading or drainage of land.
Building Permits are required for new construction, additions to pre-existing structures or property and in most cases large renovations, including but not limited to: basement developments, leasehold improvements, decks, garages and any renovation where structural changes occur.
When don’t I need a building or development permit?
Re-roofing, painting, re-siding, flooring and cabinet installation and replacement of windows and doors (as long as the openings are not changed) do not require a permit. A permit is also not required for fences, sheds less than 100 square feet and decks less than 1 foot off the ground. When in doubt, contact the Town Office for more information.
Who are the building inspectors and how do I contact them?
The Residential Building Inspector is Bob Hubbard of B&D Contract Services. Contact by phone at (306) 672-7543 or e-mail bhubbard@sasktel.net.
The Commercial Building Inspector is Dan Knutson. Contact by phone at (306) 741-7844 or e-mail deknutson@shaw.ca.
How do I get a permit?
Building and demolition permits can be purchased at the Town Office and online. Applications for a permitted use as defined in the Zoning Bylaw are approved by the Administrator. Any permit applications requiring approval of a discretionary use must be approved by Town Council.
Download a building permit application or pick one up at the Town Office. In addition, most permits have required documents or worksheets that must accompany the application. Applicable fees must be made before a permit will be issued.
Requirements and worksheets?
- Development Permit Application
- Building/Demolition Permit – Town Application
- Request for Service – Residential
- Request for Service – Commercial
- Additions Worksheet
- Attached Garage Worksheet
- Building a House Requirements
- Carport Worksheet
- Commercial Building Requirements
- Covered Deck Worksheet
- CSA Approved RTM Requirements
- Deck Worksheet
- Detached Garage Worksheet
- Interior Renovations Requirements
- Mobile Home Worksheet
- Shed Worksheet
- Site Plan Map
- Fence Regulations
When do I need a demolition or moving permit?
Any assessable (taxable) property or portions thereof being removed or moved onto a property require a demolition or moving permit, respectively.
How much does a permit cost?

What happens if I don’t get a permit before work commences or receive proper approvals from the building inspector?
This could result in:
- Stop work orders being issued
- Fines
- Work needing to be re-done or demolished
Questions on Setbacks?
Check with the Town Office for more details before commencing work.
Please note that additional permits may be required from utility providers and the Health Inspector, depending on the type of work.
Property line setbacks are from the foundation of the structure. Therefore, if the setback bylaw says 25’ then it is the distance from the property line to the foundation. The eaves usually extend past the foundation two feet. Setback information can be found in the Zoning Bylaw.